Friday, 9 July 2010

Noise Canceling Earbuds Speech Recognition Spelling Alphabet

If you use earbud headphones with  Speech recognition software it can make writing essays, reports and their documents much faster. It is sometimes necessary to spell words the software is unfamiliar with. To make sure that the program understands you first time it is a good idea to use a "spelling alphabet" also known as a "phonetic alphabet". But spelling alphabets are different from phonetic transcription systems like the International Phonetic Alphabet.

You will have heard “Alpha Beta Charlie” and know it comes from a spelling alphabet. The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) spelling alphabet, also known as the NATO phonetic alphabet or international radiotelephony spelling alphabet, is the most popular.

You can input a word speech recognition fails to recognise quickly. Suppose you say "coat" and it responds with "cost" or "coast". Instruct it to" spell it" and then say quickly: "Charlie Oscar alpha tango". It never fails to get what you mean.

Breaking the alphabet down into chunks makes it easier to learn. Commit four at a time to memory by repetition.

•    Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta
•    Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel  
•    India Juliet Kilo Lima  
•    Mike November Oscar Papa
•    Quebec  Romeo  Sierra Tango  
•    Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray
•    Yankee Zulu

You will soon sound very professional. It is also very useful when using the telephone.
A Phonetic Alphabet list for printing from a pdf document can be found here: Spelling Alphabet. Pin it up near your phone or computer, and with your noise canceling earbud headphones on you are good to go!

Spelling alphabet list with pronunciation.

A    Alpha    Al-fah
B    Bravo    Brah-voh
C    Charlie    Char-lee
D    Delta    Dell-tah
E    Echo    Eck-oh
F    Foxtrot    Foks-trot
G    Golf    Golf
H    Hotel    Hoh-tel
I    India    In-dee-ah
J    Juliet    Jew-lee-et
K    Kilo    Key-loh
L    Lima    Lee-mah
M    Mike    Mike
N    November    No-vem-ber
O    Oscar    Oss-car
P    Papa    Pah-pah
Q    Quebec    Keh-beck
R    Romeo    Row-me-oh
S    Sierra    See-air-rah
T    Tango    Tang-go
U    Uniform    Yoo-nih-form
V    Victor    Vik-tore
W    Whiskey    Wiss-key
X    Xray    Ecks-ray
Y    Yankee    Yang-key
Z    Zulu    Zoo-loo
1    One    Wun
2    Two    Too
3    Three    Tree
4    Four    Fow-er
5    Five    Fife
6    Six    six
7    Seven    Sev-en
8    Eight    Ait
9    Nine    Nin-er
0    Zero    Zee-ro

Telephone headset users will find this list useful: Printable US states and territories, and Canada telephone area codes . Look them up quickly.

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